Seesaw - Review for Teachers

   Seesaw is a program where students can start a digital portfolio online. It allows not only teachers, students but also parents to keep track of their work. Students can take a picture of their work, they can video themselves while speaking or reading, they can record their voice and they can draw on things or add from the camera roll. Meanwhile, teachers get notifications and they can send feedback immediately. They can share activities with their classes and they can make announcements to both students and parents.
   It's an amazing app which enables to connect school to home. The quality of the students' works increases as their audience changes. Students can comment and like each other's work, which provides them to interact and collaborate with others.
   I highly recommend you to use that app. I'm leaving my first activity I prepared for 2nd graders and the response from my student as an example. Please check them:
 1) My Activity - Rooms in a House
 2) The Work of My Student

   I wonder if you find this post helpful or not. Have you ever used Seesaw or are you planning to use it? I'd be glad to get your comments guys. Hope you have a nice day and see you soon.



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