TEACHING VOCABULARY | How to Teach Vocabulary

   Vocabulary learning has always been challenging for most of the students. They are given a long list full of irrelevant words and they are expected to memorize all the words with their meanings in L1. If this is the way how we teach vocabulary, of course it will be a torture for our students. Why do we make this process so difficult? It is very simple to teach vocabulary by using some techniques. Today, I'll share those techniques, Dos and Don'ts with you. Let's dive into the subject!   First thing to be careful about teaching vocabulary is to provide a written or audio context. We should get students to spot unknown words in the text and tell them to guess the meanings from the context. While teaching action verbs like 'walk', 'run' and some adjectives, we can make use of facial expressions, actions and mimics.
   It is the best to use real life objects, if possible, to point out the object but if it is
not, we should draw on the board or bring some pictures to create a visual of the word
in student's mind.
   We have talked about what to do so far. Now it is time to learn what not to do in vocabulary teaching.
   We should never and ever teach our students irrelevant words. We should teach them lexical sets instead (you can CLICK HERE to learn about lexical sets). We should also avoid translation unless it is necessary. What do we mean by necessary? We mean the time you have to teach abstract words like 'awareness' or suppose you put so much effort to explain a word but your students cannot understand it, then you may of course translate. There is no need to spend your whole time on one word. Lastly, we shouldn't use complex sentences, paragraphs for our context, we ought to choose very simple sentences instead.
   Our list ends up here. I wanted to explain Dos and Don'ts briefly. I'd be glad to have your comments. You can tell me which parts you agree and which parts you don't. Have a nice week!


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